Sigma Chi

The brothers of sigma chi stand outside their house with a representative from Safe Place, presneting the charity with a $15,000 check from the fraternity's derby days competition.

Sigma Chi is a brotherhood with roots in the collegiate experience that engenders a lifelong commitment to strive to achieve true friendship, equal justice and the fulfillment of learning as part of our overall responsibilities to the broader communities in which we live.

We achieve these ideals through the practice of character qualities embodied in our Ritual, and continuously reaffirm our purpose through the observance of Sigma Chi’s Governing Laws and through adherence to the decisions of our legislative assemblies, which empower and direct our leadership. 

Sigma Chi Sigma Chi
Sigma Chi, Eta Rho
Nickname: Sigs, Sig Chi
Founded: June 28, 1855 at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio)
Chartered: April 20, 1974
Colors: Blue and Old Gold
Flower: White Rose
Motto: In Hoc Signo Vinces ("In This Sign You Shall Conquer")
Philanthropy: Huntsman Cancer Institute and Children's Miracle Network - $14,748 raised in Spring 2022
Service: 90 hours completed Spring 2022
Awards & Honors: IFC Outstanding Chapter (2021), IFC Excellence in Philanthropy and Service (2021), Sigma Chi Peterson Significant Chapter Award (2021), Daniel R. Leasure Fraternity Chapter of the Year Award (2022), Homecoming Window Painting 2nd Place Winner Men's Division (2021), Homecoming Parade Float 2nd Place Winner Men's Division (2021), 1st Place in UNA Call of Duty Tournament (2022)
Annual Campus Events: Derby Days, Halloween Pumpkin Carving
Fall 2024 Chapter Average Term GPA: 2.624
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Caleb Bowling, President